Greetings Debutantes: Congratulations on being selected to participate in the 2019 Debutante Cotillion and. I would say "no gifts please" and leave it at that so you don't get a ton of toys but don't ask for cash or gift cards.For a young lady, a gift of grownup jewelry might be well received. The point is, no matter the cost, your gift should reflect grown-up tastes. The debut remains a curiosity, a spectacle whose time has passed. Our fun 18th birthday gift ideas welcome teens to adulthood with exciting new experiences, useful items and more. 2025 Real Salt Lake Season Tickets. Secure your seat at America First Field for the 2025 season and create memories that'll last a lifetime. I've written about fun methods of gifting cash before and felt like coming up with some more ideas! I subscribe to the idea that the receiver should have to work for the money gift.