The letter must explain who is gifting the money, where the donor's funds are coming from and the relationship between the donor and the recipient. It must be completed with the financial requirements of the FTHB program in mind and on this form.Lender pre-qualification letters will not be accepted. Before a lender allows the gift, you'll also need to furnish a gift letter that states the name, address, and phone number of the donor. Earnest Money Check–cancelled check copy; Gift Letter and Documentation (if applicable). Gift Letter For Mortgage Template. Your lender might give you a template to follow if you tell them you're using a gift for your down payment. If you go through a bank they will provide the gift letter form to you to get completed. If someone provides a handwritten letter it is filed away. The gift donor may not be a person or entity with an interest in the sale of the property such as the seller, real estate agent, builder, or developer.