Complete the online Donate to FCPS form and, where applicable, make note that the donated item has been received. This online donation form is a four-step process that will take about 5 minutes to complete.Documents and forms. Please include your contact information and donation total (total of all checks mailed with this form). If you are a professional and currently need to obtain resources for a family, we want to support you. Help donate items for the Float: We need bales of hay, basic building supplies, paint - consider donating any items to help go towards the float build! • Fairfax, VA Polaris reference call (They are in the RFP (request for proposal) process). • Prepared Executive Director evaluation tool for board. Bring your donations directly to our customer care staff at the Michael R. Frey Campus, located at 4500 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030, and the Lorton Campus. If you are a professional and currently need to obtain resources for a family, we want to support you.