This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction. Bystep guide on how to fill out a Goodwill tax donation receipt.This form is available at our stores in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Complete the online Donate to FCPS form and, where applicable, make note that the donated item has been received. Learn how to easily create your donation receipts and the best practices to follow in the year-end receipts to your donors. Documents and forms. Donation Letter – Tax ID. November 9, 2020. Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) taxes are based upon the gross receipts as defined in Fairfax County Code, Section 4-7.2-1(a). We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes. Yes, please fill out the Owner Exemption Statement Form.