In that case, all you need to provide in the donation receipt is the name and EIN of the organization, date of donation, and a description of the donated item. How to fill out the Donation Receipt Template Instructions and Guidelines?1. Open the donation receipt template. 2. Master donation receipts fast with our tips, free templates and messaging samples. Please make personal check payable to "Harris Victory Fund" or fill out your personal credit card information below. This should include a unique ID or membership number, the donation amount, your organization's name, the date they made a gift, and their payment method. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. 2) if you end up using it, you need to mention why you're doing so and how long you would in the donation receipt. If you complete your donation via ACH instead of via a wire transfer, there is no need to fill out the form below. Glossary. Search terms.