When someone offers to help you make a down payment on a house, your lender will require a gift letter for a mortgage. Here's what it includes.A short letter like this sample gift letter will cover all of the requirements your lender needs. Below is a listing of forms that may be required for participants in Harris County's recovery programs. Print out this PDF form. Fill out the form and enclose in an envelope with the words "Holiday Pie Fundraiser. Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. To contribute via personal check, please mail a check payable to the "Harris Victory Fund" with the form below and send to:. Please make personal check payable to "Harris Victory Fund" or fill out your personal credit card information below. Corporations like Nike, Kohl's, Darden, and more accept donation requests in addition to other giving programs like matching gifts and volunteer grants.