Keep a record of any items you donate to a charity. We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes.Submit the most recent copy of an IRS determination letter establishing exemption from certain federal taxes under an IRC 501(c) code. This step-by-step guide will help you fill out the donation tax receipt and get things in order for tax season. A tax donation letter contains details about the donation, including the date, a description, donor information, and value. Learn how to easily create your donation receipts and the best practices to follow in the year-end receipts to your donors. Use the free New Jersey Online Filing Service to file your 2024 NJ-1040 return. It's simple and easy to follow the instructions, complete your NJ tax return,. If this is needed, you will receive a letter from FEMA outlining the information needed. A donation receipt is a written acknowledgment of a donor's contribution to a charitable organization.