In this post, I'm breaking down how to write a donation letter. Please fill out the donation form for any in-kind items provided to RMHC Greater Houston. Form. Name.Every dollar donated helps us improve the lives of Texas children. CHILDREN AT RISK is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 76-0360533). This file provides vital information about donation requests for various organizations. We've compiled common types of donation requests, plus carefully crafted templates that your team can use to jumpstart your outreach. In this post, we cover how to write a donation letter and which key components to include. Plus, we'll share a few examples and templates for writing your own. In this article, we've curated some of the best examples of donation forms to inspire you to create a good one for your organization. We accept requests from licensed nonprofit, community organizations in the greater Houston area for memberships or general admission ticket donations.