Write an excellent thank you letter for donations. Get tips and best practices, plus three inspiring samples and ready to use templates!Here is an example from the 2012 Edition of the DonorCentered Thank You Letters Project. In this article, we'll look at why and how to write donation thank you letters as well as what you should include for increasing their impact. Get your guide to writing donation thankyou letters supporters will remember and more thoughtful ideas to show appreciation. In this article, we'll show you exactly how to write a compelling, effective thank-you letter for donations. This handout provides advice on the latter: how to write an effective thank you letter for the reception of scholarship funds. Do your thank-you letters for donations truly convey gratitude? Please include the donor's name and the name of the scholarship, as indicated on your award notification, and be mindful of grammatical and spelling errors. "Thank you for your contribution of (insert amount of cash donation) on Date.