List all reportable gifts made during the calendar year on one Form 709. Use Form 709 to report: Transfers subject to the federal gift and certain generation-skipping transfer (GST) taxes.One, a gift is not taxable for the donor or donee unless it exceeds lifetime gift tax exclusion during their lifetime. A gift letter must contain the donor's name, the gift's value, confirmation that the gift is not to be repaid, and the donor's signature. If you give people a lot of money or property, you might have to pay a federal gift tax. But most gifts are not subject to the gift tax. The Form 709 gift tax return is due on April 15 following the year of the gift unless extended until the midOctober due date. A Gift Affidavit is a legal instrument designed to validate the gifting of an item from one individual (Donor) to another (Donee). How can I avoid filing my tax return late? A gift letter is one of the most important legal documents to prove the asset is yours.