1 Enter the amount you wish to donate to each of the following voluntary charitable donation funds. You may contribute any whole-dollar.Schedule G, Voluntary Charitable Donations, allows you to figure the amount of donations that you wish to make to one or more of the eligible funds. The following forms should be used when registering a charity or professional fund-raising organization with the Illinois Attorney General's Office. Generally, you can only deduct charitable contributions if you itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040), Itemized Deductions. Illinois Charitable Tax Credit. When you file your taxes, you can donate part or all of a refund to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois. Unfortunately, you cannot donate to just anybody and expect to receive a tax deduction. Only donations to qualified organizations are tax deductible. Generally, a donor may deduct an in-kind (or, non-cash) donation as a charitable contribution.