Donations of certain household items and clothing are often tax deductible when you file your income tax return. The Donation Value Guide below helps you determine the approximate tax-deductible value of some of the more commonly donated items.To deduct a charitable donation, use Schedule A (Form 1040) to itemize your deductions. Learn how to easily create your donation receipts and the best practices to follow in the year-end receipts to your donors. Write 9999 in the code section and list KCEGP. You have to "Itemize Deductions" on your return, rather than take the "Standard Deduction". If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. Valuations of gifts in kind are the responsibility of the donor. When you bring items to one of our donation locations, you may fill out a paper donation form. The following list of typical ReStore items reflects a suggested range value for determining income tax deductibility.