It's important to set up the amount of donation you desire and frequency. How do I set up a recurring donation after my account has been set up?First you must enter your credit card information. A legitimate organization should be able to tell you if they are a nonprofit, their mission, and their federal tax ID number (EIN). Taxpayers must use the "QCO code" or "QFCO code" of certified organizations to claim the tax credits for contributions QCOs or QFCOs. If you have a vehicle you would like to donate, please fill out the vehicle donation form, here. The Donation Value Guide below helps you determine the approximate tax-deductible value of some of the more commonly donated items. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. Enrollment and Disciplinary Violations.