Learn what to include in your donation tax receipts and how to leverage them for compelling nonprofit storytelling. Read this before filling out your forms!• The top state income tax rate for resident fiduciaries is 5.75 percent for tax year. If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. The Annual Report is a required filing for all business entities, regardless of whether the business owns property,. Exempt organizations forms and instructions. Acknowledgment of "no goods or services were provided as part of this donation. Get a Free Nonprofit Donation Receipt Template for Every Giving Scenario. For example, if you select "Payroll Deduction," choose all the charities you would like to support via payroll deduction and complete the donation process. CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort): global crisis response organization bringing immediate aid and recovery to underserved communities.