This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction. Customize fields for seamless donor submissions and track contributions easily."Learn about 501(c)(3) donation receipt requirements, verification steps, and sample templates for tax-deductible donations. You can donate via credit card one time or monthly. Please follow the steps below to make a secure credit card donation. Let's walk through common examples of donation letters, starting with a template of the basic format to follow. These templates include the donor's name and contact information, the gift amount and purpose, the donor's tax ID number, and the payment method. Form 1024: Application for Recognition of Exemption for all other exempt statuses. Here's a quick donation request form template that you can use to accept donations from people for your charity or organizations. Fill out this form carefully to ensure accurate information about your donations.