Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. Here you will find an updated listing of all Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) tax forms and instructions.Fill out this form to generate and email a Planet Aid receipt for your donation. Donors should consult a tax advisor before claiming deductions. Acceptable donations, donation value guide, request a donation receipt, how to fill out a donation tax receipt. Complete this form to request your donation tax receipt. If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. Donors who intend to claim a tax deduction are encouraged to complete this receipt at the time of donation including the estimated value of the donation. Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. How to fill out a donation tax receipt.