Understand what a charitable donation is and how to claim a tax deduction without a tax receipt with IRS Form 8283. The Massachusetts charitable contribution deduction is one of the deductions taken against Part B adjusted gross income to arrive at Part B taxable income.A tax exempt organization may need a letter to confirm its taxexempt status or to reflect a change in its name or address. To qualify for the charitable deduction, you will need to keep specific records about each charitable gift you make. Here's what to say when asking for donations: Be clear, succinct, and authentic. Use "you," say "thanks," and be specific. As of January 1, 2023, all Massachusetts taxpayers may now deduct charitable contributions on their state return. Questions and answers regarding the laws, regulations, and policies governing cannabis in Massachusetts. Complete this form to request your donation tax receipt. You will need to provide a Government Affirmation letter or other IRS-provided letter for verification of your nonprofit organization or public agency (i.e.