This gift is to be applied toward the purchase of the property located at: (Property Address). 3). Describe the gift and state the monetary value of the gift, the name and address of the person making the gift, and the dates the gifts were received.Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. A short letter like this sample gift letter will cover all of the requirements your lender needs. Name, Father's Name, Age, Address, PAN number and Aadhar number of both Donor and Donee. A gift letter must contain the donor's name, the gift's value, confirmation that the gift is not to be repaid, and the donor's signature. Declaration of Gift of Money I, A B C, of ______, Indian Inhabitant, having address at. Save the Children is a leading humanitarian organization for children. Please note: Changes to funds are reflected on this webpage as quickly as possible. For up-to-the-minute fund status, please call (877) 557-2672.