Learn more about how to write meaningful acknowledgement letters to families for donations made in memory of their loved ones with this comprehensive guide. If you're asking for people to donate to a cause in lieu of flowers, that can be printed in the obituary.An application for burial assistance must be made no later than 10 business days after the burial, cremation or donation takes place. You can use the Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate tool to help you figure out who will inherit and what share each heir will receive. Give general information about your family, occupation, interests, etc. If you wish to donate your body to Michigan State University, you will need to complete a donor registration form and return it to the Willed Body Program. The information contained in this booklet may ease the burden of filling out state tax forms and may even save some taxpayers money. To learn more and start an application, call 8446846333. You may also be able to add the state and local general sales taxes paid on certain specified items. Our enhanced efforts to protect Illinois taxpayers from identity theft and tax fraud have proven to be highly successful.