There are no income tax implications when you receive a cash gift, cash gifts from Uk resident, overseas relative or from a friend. A gift letter must contain the donor's name, the gift's value, confirmation that the gift is not to be repaid, and the donor's signature.Banks and building societies usually have a template gifteddeposit declaration form that can be filled out. You do not pay tax on a cash gift, but you may have to pay tax on any income that the cash gift generates. Mark McLaughlin highlights a selection of circumstances in which letters from individuals making gifts or legacies might be useful. LIHP will allow a gift letter from an immediate family member stating that the money provided is in the form. A gift letter for a mortgage shows your lender that you don't need to repay gift money toward your down payment. To avoid penalties, make sure you pay within 30 days. Payment Option, Payment Method, Service Fee.