Gift Instructions: Instrucciones: When filling out the deposit slip, please: Al llenar la forma de depósito, por favor: • Type or write in black or blue ink. A gift letter must contain the donor's name, the gift's value, confirmation that the gift is not to be repaid, and the donor's signature.Detach the deposit slip and mail it with your money order. Do not send cash, and please do not staple, paper clip or tape moneyorder to deposit slip. This document is a gift letter used to document gifts of funds, equity in a property, or a site that are given in relation to a mortgage loan. Do U.S. taxpayers pay tax on inheritance money from overseas? Of time the owner is given to respond to the Due Diligence Letter. Download, Fill In And Print Gift Deed Form - Nevada Pdf Online Here For Free. If you are planning on making or receiving a large financial gift, then gift letters are something you should be aware of. Here's what you need to know.