Lenders generally provide a boilerplate mortgage gift letter template for you to use. Below is a typical gift letter template you can share with donors.Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. The goal of a gift letter is to provide the lender with proof of where the funds came from. Gift letters are relatively easy to acquire and, thanks to standardized forms and templates, filling them out should be pretty straightforward. Gift Letter For Mortgage Template. Your lender might give you a template to follow if you tell them you're using a gift for your down payment. A gift letter for a mortgage is proof to the lender that money you've been given for your home purchase is a gift, not a loan to be repaid. The gift donor may not be a person or entity with an interest in the sale of the property such as the seller, real estate agent, builder, or developer. Such letters state that the money received is not expected to be paid back in any way, shape, or form.