This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction. We've created this stepbystep guide on everything you need to know about creating a donation receipt letter for tax purposes."Learn about 501(c)(3) donation receipt requirements, verification steps, and sample templates for tax-deductible donations. Next, list the items you wish to donate, ensuring accuracy in your details. In that case, all you need to provide in the donation receipt is the name and EIN of the organization, date of donation, and a description of the donated item. When completing the North Carolina return, the political organization is not required to complete Schedules A and C, which are used to calculate franchise tax. If you file a copy of your federal Form 990 or Form 990-EZ and Schedule A with your license application, you do not need to complete or submit this form. Cash donations without a receipt cannot be deducted. Donation receipts are important for a few reasons. To apply for federal corporate tax exemption and made it available to the public?