The certificate of acknowledgment (PDF) must be in the form set forth in California Civil Code section 1189. In today's video, I'm going through step-by-step how to complete a notary acknowledgment (and jurat)!The Oakland Police Department is committed to making information available to the public when requested. In today's video I'm going to show you how to complete a California Acknowledgement and a California Giraffe. To do this, refer to the exhibit in the document, assign it a letter or number, and then attach it with a label using that letter or number. To order a birth certificate you will need: Name of the child at birth; Date of birth; City of birth; The mother's maiden last name. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: In the name of the people of the State of Michigan you are notified: 1. You are being sued. 2. If sponsor requires IRB acknowledgement, report may be submitted on a iRIS Reporting form. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report.