Donations are tax-deductible, provided that you have not received any goods or services in exchange for your gift. Donors will also be mailed a thank-you letter on behalf of the receiving nonprofit within 30 days of the sale of the vehicle, which serves as a tax receipt.Explore a sample donation request letter for sports teams, plus get a free template and tips for writing your own fundraising letters. The A's will be accepting in-kind donations for the 2025 season beginning in January. Donations will be fulfilled based on priority and timing. How It Works ; Call. Call 888-333-3848 or complete our donation form below ; Schedule. All donations are tax deductible. Donations to high public schools sports are tax deductible, since the IRS considers public schools as "branches" of state government. Donations to high public schools sports are tax deductible, since the IRS considers public schools as "branches" of state government.