You will use the donation receipt letter to claim your dollar-for-dollar nonrefundable credit when you file your Ohio income tax return. When you fill out your tax return this year, you can include all contributions you make to these schools as a deductible charitable contribution.Charities operating in the State of Ohio are required to file a one-time registration and then submit annual reports with the Ohio Attorney General's Office. To claim the 2024 Ohio Scholarship Donation Credit, donate to CMA through the OAIS SGO portal before April 15, 2025. You or your tax preparer should post your donation to Line 9 of the Ohio IT 1040 and Line 15 on the Ohio Schedule of Credits. Reporting expenses for student living with you. Noncash contributions. "This is a very easy credit for Ohio taxpayers to take advantage of," says William Vaughan Company Tax Partner, Sandi Towns. You or your tax preparer should post your donation to Line 9 of the Ohio IT 1040 and Line 15 on the Ohio Schedule of Credits. Charities operating in the State of Ohio are required to file a one-time registration and then submit annual reports with the Ohio Attorney General's Office.