Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. Applicants are required to complete the "Neighborhood Support Form" on the following page.Charitable contributions are generally taxdeductible if you itemize. This completed application, including all required attachments, must be filed with the county property appraiser on or before March 1 of the current tax year. You must complete Form 8283 not going beyond 60 days before making your charitable gift. Mission: Ensuring that everyone in PBC has access to a quality education, a place to live, financial stability, good medical care, and enough to eat. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. An inkind donation is a noncash gift made to a nonprofit organization. These contributions can be made in the form of time, services, expertise, and goods. There's no charity tax deduction minimum donation amount required to claim a charitable deduction.