When someone gives you money to help you buy a house, your lender requires a gift letter, along with documents showing how the money changes hands. A gift letter for a mortgage shows your lender that you don't need to repay gift money toward your down payment.Yes, this is normal. We bought our first house just before we got married. Lending Company structured its second gift program in a manner to work around. A gift letter is a piece of legal, written correspondence explicitly stating that money received from a friend or relative is a gift. My experience however is that most judges won't see it as a gift to "us" If it was from her parents. River Jude Phoenix (né Bottom; August 23, 1970 – October 31, 1993) was an American actor. ASU Prep Academy are tuition-free public charter schools in the Phoenix Metro area dedicated to preparing K-12 students for college. The Joker: Folie à Deux star grew up around the world with his parents, Arlyn and John Lee Phoenix, and his four siblings: River, Rain, Liberty and Summer.