Keep a record of any items you donate to a charity. Understand what a charitable donation is and how to claim a tax deduction without a tax receipt with IRS Form 8283.Enter the name of the corporation at the top of the form to complete the certificate's title. No cash or non-cash donation is deductible unless the taxpayer has a receipt from the charity substantiating the donation. In many cases, charitable donations are tax-deductible. When you donate to a qualifying organization, you can deduct the amount from your taxable income. If your business or organization will need a donation tax receipt, indicate that in the description of your donation listing. It should provide written acknowledgment of donations it receives (known as donation receipts) so that donors may claim a tax deduction for their contribution. The form and instructions are available on the IRS site and can be accessed through this link, IRS Tax Forms. Transfer: apply as a transfer if you've enrolled in college after completing high school.