This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction. How to fill out the Donation Receipt Template Instructions and Guidelines?1. Open the donation receipt template. 2. RocketLawyer offers a free simple 501(c)(3) nonprofit donation receipt template that can be totally customized. Print a donation form (PDF) to fill out and and send to: St. Vincent de Paul Sacramento Council P.O. Box 162487, Sacramento, CA 95816-2487. Using PDFRun's Donation Receipt Template can help you easily produce a donation receipt that you can provide to donors. Donation Receipt Template Instructions and Guidelines. This file provides comprehensive instructions on how to fill out and use donation receipt templates. This free template instantly generates a PDF receipt that can be downloaded, printed for your records, or automatically emailed to donors for their tax returns.