Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. A donor acknowledgement letter should include a few specific items to assist the donor and help your organization comply with IRS regulations.Take a look at the section "How do I report my inkind donations for tax purposes?" for more information about completing IRS Form 8283. The Guide for Charities was published to give charities the tools they need to comply with our laws. If you are self-employed, you must attach the last. Learn all about donoradvised funds, including pros and cons, tax benefits, limits, how they compare to private foundations and more. The Donation Value Guide below helps you determine the approximate tax-deductible value of some of the more commonly donated items. What do you need to include in your donation acknowledgment letter? Learn all about donoradvised funds, including pros and cons, tax benefits, limits, how they compare to private foundations and more. Include the nonprofit's EIN so the the donor can to check the charity's tax-exempt status with the IRS.