The letter must explain who is gifting the money, where the donor's funds are coming from and the relationship between the donor and the recipient. A gift letter is a note from a donor to your lender regarding cash funds for your mortgage down payment.A mortgage gift letter is a document that helps satisfy the requirement that a borrower's down payment funds come from legitimate sources. Here's a sample gift letter you can use to prove that the money is truly meant as an outright gift, with no expectation of repayment. A gift letter should include the name and contact information of the donor and a statement that no repayment is expected. A budget is a roadmap to plan your finances and keep track of where your money goes. Budgeting is a helpful tool whether you're working hard to make ends meet. The board shall, upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act, expend funds received from nonprofit philanthropic entities for this program. Marked "refi" in the loan schedule are also not included in the collateral analysis. 333 W El Camino Real.