An acknowledgment is one of the most common types of notarial acts, but it often confuses Notaries. Here are 5 steps to performing an acknowledgment.When writing an acknowledgement for a school assignment, you should thank individuals or sources that helped you complete your work. On this ______day of ______, in the year 20____, before me,. An acknowledgement is a write-up that expresses gratitude to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in helping you complete your assignment. A form for the employee to sign acknowledging receipt of the policies. Following are samples of these provisions. Writing an acknowledgement for a group project is a way to give credit where credit is due, and to showcase the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Here's a guide to help you understand why you need an acknowledgement statement and how to make yours as effective as possible. Writing a fancy and impressive acknowledgment for a computer project involves expressing gratitude in a creative and heartfelt manner.