The intern thanks the managing director of the company for guiding them and allowing them to complete their project. To Nguyen Phuong Loan I will try my best to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way in order to attain desired career targets.On this ______day of ______, in the year 20____, before me,. We will provide you with ten sample acknowledgments that you can use as a reference when writing your own acknowledgment for an internship report. An internship report is a summary of your internship experience. 6) Fill out online Internship Intake Form within first two weeks of your internship. Advocate the implementation of necessary interventions in the state of Utah. If you have been in your current position for more than six months, your supervisor must carve out a "Special Project" for you. Learn how to write an internship report with these 12 simple tips. Check out our internship report example and samples.