Completed applications should be sent to Virginia Tax, Nonprofit Exemption Unit, P. O. Box 715, Richmond, Virginia 23218-0715, or faxed to 804.786.2645. In many cases, charitable donations are tax-deductible.When you donate to a qualifying organization, you can deduct the amount from your taxable income. Enter the entity name and identifying number from the tax return where the noncash charitable contribution was originally reported, if different from above. Only signed, approved donation forms are acceptable as acknowledgement of in-kind donations. Instructions for completing the IN-KIND DONATION FORM: 1. Donation acknowledgment letters are more than just a donor tax receipt. There are certain items to include for tax purposes. It can be burdensome and inefficient for organizations soliciting contributions in more than one state to fill out a different form for each state. Not all nonprofit organizations qualify as beneficiaries for taxlowering gifts, nor do all gifts to eligible charities qualify.