Sample No.1 I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Name of the teacher) as well as our principal (Name of the principal) Also, I would thank my friends and family who supported me emotionally as well as academically to complete this project without any obstacles.The acknowledgement section of your dissertation is a special section to write. It tends to evoke many emotions of gratefulness toward one's ecosystem. I'm happy to provide some acknowledgement samples for project so you can spark ideas for your own unique acknowledgements section. This journey would not have been possible without the support of my family, professors and mentors, and friends. Example: "This project was an incredible journey of discovery and learning. I am profoundly thankful to everyone who contributed to its success. Acknowledgment samples can either be in the form of a written page or as a speech. There are several rules that you need to follow in making a speech.