The donor (not the PTA) must specify the value of the donation. This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction.Master donation receipts fast with our tips, free templates and messaging samples. Download our Tax Receipt (as PDF) Goodwill is a qualified tax exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This page includes forms, fees, and instructions for all domestic business entities, foreign and domestic Registered Agents, and Washington Trademarks. Giving receipts is an important practice since 501(c)(3) donations are tax-deductible to the donor. Our sample form provides an easy way to get started. For noncash donations, a more detailed description of the item or items donated should be included. A tax receipt to record your donation is available here. Simply click on "Get Tax receipt" to download a copy to complete and keep for your records.