When someone offers to help you make a down payment on a house, your lender will require a gift letter for a mortgage. Here's what it includes.A down payment gift letter simply states that the donor does not expect any form of repayment. You can use gifted funds to make a down payment, but your mortgage lender will want to know some details before they allow you to use it. Use these stepbystep instructions for accepting a cash downpayment gift on a home, including a readytouse mortgage gift letter template. The most important document required is a gift letter. The lender will need a "gift letter" from the donor to make sure your down payment help has no strings attached. Gift funds may not be contributed from any source that has an interest in the sale of the property (seller, builder, real estate agent, etc.). Mortgage Gift letter is what the donor of the gift writes to the lender stating that he has offered a gift of money to the home buyer. Down payment of your home loan it needs to be properly documented.