Through this program, the court offers free mediation services for small claims, unlawful detainers, and civil harassment cases. Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic FormsMicrosoft Word files. Read the latest Information, Local Rules, and FAQs for the Alameda Superior Court of California Civil Courts. Every pleading must set forth the name of the court and county in which the action is brought and the title of the action. An eFiling guide to Initiate a New Case in the Alameda, California Superior Civil Courts and electronically serve your documents. I submitted a request to be excused due to undue hardship based on this rule: "The prospective juror must travel an excessive distance. This video explains the service of process in civil harassment restraining order cases and what you need to know about serving court papers. What is the Civil Procedure form to fill out to ask for an extension in a Civil Lawsuit in Alameda Superior Court? What is the Civil Procedure form to fill out to ask for an extension in a Civil Lawsuit in Alameda Superior Court?