Take heart and to see that the Lord is accomplishing something through your prayers, something greater than if he were to give you what you desire. The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County (Fifth Judicial District) consists of the following divisions:.Pleading in prayer is only appropriate when practiced in a humble manner. The most important Person present during our prayer time is our Audience of One, the Triune. Visitation, the relevant count in the pleading must comply with the requirements of the applicable rules. Thanks for coming out to County Council tonight. When you come to God, say, "Lord, I am an unclean, unrighteous, dried out, unstable person, but hear my prayer today because you're my Father! Joining to build up God's Kingdom here on earth. Jesus praying on the mountain in a certain place for Simon on the mount of Olives and lastly at the cross Jesus praying and pleading to the Father. When you come to God, say, "Lord, I am an unclean, unrighteous, dried out, unstable person, but hear my prayer today because you're my Father!