We created a customizable confirmation email template for your event that you can download and edit to match the requirements of different ticket types. An order confirmation email in e-commerce should include the core details of the order, like the order number, amount paid, and payment form used. Additionally:.Join us as we analyze the best confirmation email templates sample and offer several template examples that you can adjust to your needs. Example: In a product confirmation email, include a section detailing the estimated delivery time and a link for shipment tracking. Emails sent to event attendees after they have registered can be found in the Event Info>Event Emails tab. There are three types of emails available:. In this guide we break down the process of confirmation emails into three simple steps and provide 10 examples. Eventify provides professionally designed templates for email notifications. We've compiled a list of 10 confirmation emails for events, with examples, to help you understand what should be included in these types of emails. Check out these tips and examples to help create your own.