Use this form to apply for an automatic six-month extension of time to file Arizona Forms 140, 140A, 140EZ, 140ET, 140PTC, 140PY, or 140NR. If in its judgment good cause exists, the department may grant a further extension or extensions of time for filing the return pursuant to administrative rule.This gives you until October 15 to file without penalties. Extensions To receive an automatic extension until October 15, file Form 204, Application for Filing Extension. File Form 4868 and Extend your 1040 Deadline up to 6 Months. File extension in few minutes; No explanation Required; Quick Processing; Instant IRS Approval. The taxpayer is automatically provided a six-month extension of time to file. This is an extension of time to file, not to pay. This extends your filing deadline to October 15th. When you file your Arizona return, be sure to check box 82F, top of page 1 on Form 140, to indicate an extension was filed.