Use this form to apply for an automatic six-month extension of time to file Arizona Forms 140, 140A, 140EZ, 140ET, 140PTC, 140PY, or 140NR. Completing Form 204.USE THIS FORM ONLY If you have received a notice of dismissal. Step 1: Make sure your form is titled "Motion to Extend Dismissal Date". The purpose of Arizona Form 204 is to provide taxpayers with an option to extend the filing deadline for their state income tax returns. To be granted an extension ALL information must be filled in and. ALL required documentation attached. Must fill out the Application for Six Month Extension on Installation Permit form. Individuals in Arizona need to file Form 204 with the state to request a 6-month extension of time to file their personal income tax return with the state. How to fill out the Arizona Form 204 Application for Filing Extension 2022?