When you come to God, say, "Lord, I am an unclean, unrighteous, dried out, unstable person, but hear my prayer today because you're my Father! Please dear God I am pleading with you please help me.Take heart and to see that the Lord is accomplishing something through your prayers, something greater than if he were to give you what you desire. Pleading in prayer is only appropriate when practiced in a humble manner. I want to continue to grow close to God no matter how busy I am. Prayers of petition are when we ask God to do something for us or for someone we care about. These prayers are also called "prayers of intercession." Worshipping God, not just with our inner selves, but our whole selves, takes many forms in Scripture: standing, kneeling, singing, lifting hands. Praying can be done out loud, or in your mind. You can speak to God like you would any other person.