Apologize for any victims you have. If your family is there, apologize to them as well.Asking for forgiveness from God and others if we have wronged them is important. In the event the fee waiver is granted, the person shall fill out the appropriate fee waiver form and present it to any newspaper of general circulation. This may require you to seek relief from the court. All forms below with a "fillable icon" are documents that you can open "on-line", fill in the appropriate fields and then print on your printer. File an original and one copy of the complaint along with a Civil Action Cover Sheet, Form CCL 0520 with the clerk of the appropriate Cook County Circuit Court. Keep the top right 2" x 2" corner of the first page of each efiled pleading blank for the clerk's stamp. A pleading is a written document that sets out the basic position and argument of one of the parties in a case. "Do you love me, Ma?