All filings must include the filing party's name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Fill out the Request for Service form.Check the box for "Certified Mail" if you are choosing this common option. Attorney Portal to those practicing law in the Cuyahoga County courts. The E-Filing module allows an attorney or an authorized user with a valid account to file. All pleadings, motions and other filings, e-filed or otherwise, must be typewritten or legibly hand-written on letter sized (8.5'' x 11") white paper. You can fill out a form online if you want to challenge the ticket - click here to fill out a plea Not Guilty form. Print the form and fill it out manually, making sure to fill out all applicable fields. After approval an electronic notice will be sent to the filer and no pleading shall be considered filed until an electronic notice has been sent to the filer. How do I fill out the claim form?