These sample letters can be used in various circumstances you may encounter that require you to communicate with insurance companies. On this page, you should fill in the location that the document is to be filed with, either the trial court or the Court of Appeals.A recertification is a yearly check-in to confirm that your community is performing the annual requirements pursuant to the current CRS Coordinator's Manual. Call 214-653-6565 to confirm application fee amount. You have to tell your credit or debit card company about any error you're disputing within 60 days of when the first statement with the charge was sent to you. Our guide will teach you how to write a letter of explanation, plus offers a free template to help you write one of your own. Input Names of CC Recipients Under your signature, type "CC" and place two to four spaces between your signature and the CC line. What should I do if my credit card has been lost or stolen? Here are three good reasons to keep sending confirmation emails: They tend to land in the recipient's primary inbox. They are a reliable marketing opportunity.