EFile Texas: E-filing is a way for you to file and send your documents to the court online, electronically from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. On this page, you should fill in the location that the document is to be filed with, either the trial court or the Court of Appeals.This article provides strategies and references for drafting pleadings and other court documents when you cannot find the right form. An original copy is required for all paper filings with the Texas Supreme Court. The original should be unbound. Once you enter the name and date of birth, click the details button. You can also use the citation number to pull it up. All pleadings, motions, briefs, orders and other papers, including exhibits attached thereto, when offered for filing or entry, shall be descriptively titled. About These Forms In General. Filing is now mandatory for all attornys filing civil, family, probat, or criminal cass in th Suprm Court, Court of Criminal Appals, Courts of Appals.