When a defendant pleads no contest, they lose the opportunity to be found not guilty at trial. A person who enters a no contest plea will be sentenced for the crime just as if they had admitted guilt.Pleading no contest implies that you accept the evidence against you without explicitly stating that you are guilty. A big advantage of a no-contest plea compared to a guilty plea is that a no-contest plea could not be offered into evidence in a civil case. A Plea of No Contest permits you to ask the Court to Withhold an Adjudication of Guilt (no points) without having to go to court. By pleading no contest, the court treats you the same as if you pled guilty, but no one can use your plea as evidence of guilt in future civil proceedings. What does a no contest or nolo contendere plea mean? Is it an option to consider if you have pending criminal charges? A criminal defendant may enter a plea of guilty, not guilty or no contest. For help defending against criminal charges in Florida, call (877) 663-5110.