The man who sold the fireworks to the teenager, Greg Clegane, was convicted of the felony of unlawful sale of fireworks to a minor. A request for a Franklin evidence preservation hearing does not require adherence to "the rigorous pleading and proof requirements for habeas corpus."This study concludes that the insanity plea is successful in a modest number of cases. The insanity defense refers to a defense that a defendant can plead in a criminal trial. If the defendant is not competent, in the examiner's opinion, does the defendant have a mental illness or intellectual disability? THE FRANKLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE is a stately building with white columns and a statue of a Confederate soldier out front. In our justice system, defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Do you understand this? Lawson and Berry have significant criminal defense experience and know how to expertly demonstrate that you were insane at the time of the offense.